Frequently Asked Questions
This document is merely an attempt to provide answers to some common questions posted to us, by the candidates. However, this list is neither exhaustive nor does it purport to be a source of complete information on the subject. Hence candidates are advised, in their own interest to refer tothe Information Bulletin on the NTA website https://aissee.nta.nic.inand ensure that they meet eligibility criteria. FAQ smay be referred for a quick referenceonly.
Sr No | Questions | Answers | |||||||||
GENERAL | |||||||||||
1 | Whatis AISSEE 2023? | AISSEE 2023 is an entrance exam for admission to 33 Sainik Schools and Saink School Stream of 18 approved New Sainik School sunder the aegis of the Sainik School Society. | |||||||||
2 | Admission through AISSEE2024, is done at what levels? | Admission to Sainik Schools is at Class VI and at Class IX levels only, for the academic year 2024-25. Admission to Sainik School stream of the approved New Sainik Schools is open for Class VI only for the academic year2024-25 | |||||||||
3 | Is the exam common for admission to both SSs and approved NSSs? | Yes. | |||||||||
4 | What are these approved New Sainik Schools? | Please refer to FAQs on admission to approved NSSs. | |||||||||
5 | What is the process for admission to Sainik Schools? | Admission to Sainik Schools is through AISSEE2023 followed by E-Counselling, Medical Fitness certified by Competent Medical Authority and verification of documents. Final selection will be on the basis of the position in theMerit List of AISSEE2023. | |||||||||
6 | What is the eligibility criteria for applying to AISSEE2023? | a)Eligibility criteria for admission to Class VI of Sainik Schools: | |||||||||
Acandidate should be between 10 and 12 years as on 31 March 2023, i.e.he/she should have been born between 01 April 2011 and 31 March 2013 (both days inclusive) for admission to the academic year 2023-24. | |||||||||||
Admission for Girls is open for ClassVI. Age criteria is same as boys. | |||||||||||
b)Eligibility criteria for Class IX of Sainik Schools of Sainik Schools: | |||||||||||
Acandidateshouldbebetween13and15yearsason31 March 2023, for admissionto Class IX, i.e. he shouldhave been born between 01 April 2008 and 31 March2010 (both days inclusive) for admission to the academicyear2023-24.AdmissiontoClassIXisnot | |||||||||||
openforgirls. HeshouldhavepassedClassVIIIexamfromarecognizedschool atthetimeofadmission. EligibilitycriteriaforClassVIofapprovedNewSainikSchoolsunder the40%route Same asat(a)above, applicabletoSainikSchools. EligibilitycriteriaforClassVIofapprovedNewSainikSchoolsunder the60%route Sameasat(a)above, applicabletoSainikSchoolsPlus A candidate should be currently studying in theapprovedNewSainikSchoolwhereheseeksadmission. Heshouldhavepassed/appearinginClassVexamason31.03.2023. | |||||||||||
7 | Whatisthe exam applicationfee? | Category | Fee percandidate(Rs) | ||||||||
General/WardsofDefencepersonnelandex-servicemen/OBC(NCL)asper centralList | Rs 650/- per | ||||||||||
SC/ST | Rs.500/- | ||||||||||
8 | Whatisthe dateof theexam? | 8thJanuary2023(Sunday) | |||||||||
9 | What aretheexamtimings | ForClassVI:From02.00pmto04.30pm ForClassIX:From02.00pmto05.00pm | |||||||||
10 | Whatisthemodeofconductingthe test? | Thetestwill beconductedinpaperpenmode. | |||||||||
11 | WhatistheschemeoftheexamforClassVI? | Sec. | Subject | No. ofQns. | MarksperQn. | Totalmarks | |||||
A | Language | 25 | 2 | 50 | |||||||
B | Mathematics | 50 | 3 | 150 | |||||||
C | General Knowledge | 25 | 2 | 50 | |||||||
D | Intelligence | 25 | 2 | 50 | |||||||
Total | 125 | 300 | |||||||||
12 | WhatistheschemeoftheexamforClassIX | Sec. | Subject | No. ofQns. | MarksperQn. | Totalmarks | |||||
A | Mathematics | 50 | 4 | 200 | |||||||
B | English | 25 | 2 | 50 | |||||||
C | General Sciences | 25 | 2 | 50 | |||||||
D | SocialStudies | 25 | 2 | 50 | |||||||
E | Intelligence | 25 | 2 | 50 | |||||||
Total | 150 | 400 | |||||||||
13 | Whatisthe syllabus? | PleaseCheckAppendixIIandIIIoftheInformation Bulletinon: | |||||||||
14 | WhatisthemediumofthequestionpaperforClass VIExam? | Mediumofthequestionpaperoftheexamforadmission to Class VI will be any one ofthe followinglanguages, opted by the candidates in their applicationform: English,Hindi,Tamil,Malayalam,Telugu,Kannada,Marathi,Odiya,Gujarati,Assamese,Punjabi,Bengali andUrdu | |||||||||
15 | Whatisthemediumofthequestion paperforClassIX exam? | Englishonly | |||||||||
16 | WhoisconductingAISSEE? | NationalTestingAgency,abodyundertheMinistryof EducationisconductingAISSEE2023. | |||||||||
17 | What isthe roleof NTA? | RoleofNTAisconfinedtoregistrationofcandidatesfortheexam,conductofexamanddeclarationofresults andmeritlist.Ithasnoroletoplayintheadmissionprocess. | |||||||||
18 | Is the application common for bothSainik School aspirants and approvedNewSainikSchool aspirants? | Yes.Candidatesarerequiredtofillthesameform,online at whether they want toapply forSainik School or approved New Sainik Schoolorboth.Theyarerequiredtofillonlyoneform,whethertheywanttoapplyforSSorapprovedNSSor both. | |||||||||
Iamacandidatewhoiscurrentlystudying in an approved NSS. Can IapplyforbothSainikschoolsandApprovedNew SainikSchools? | YouhavetheoptiontoapplyforSS,orapprovedNSSorboth.Youhavethefollowingoptions: Youcanapplyto SainikSchools(SS)onlySS+ApprovedNSS40%route(inthatorderofpriority)SS+ApprovedNSS-40%route+ApprovedNSS-60% route(Inthatorder ofpriority)SS+ApprovedNSS-60%route(inthatorderofpriority)ApprovedNSS-40%route+ApprovedNSS-60%route(in thatorderofpriority)ApprovedNSS-60%routeonlyApprovedNSS-40%routeonly Youarerequiredtoindicatethecombinationoptedbyyouinyour applicationform. | ||||||||||
20 | Iamacandidatewhoisnotcurrently studying in a Sainik Schoolor an approved NSS. Can I apply forbothSainikschoolsandapprovedNewSainik Schools? | YouhavetheoptiontoapplyforSS,orapprovedNSS orboth.Youhavethefollowingoptions: Youcanapplyto SainikSchoolsonlySainikSchools+ApprovedNSSs40%route(inthatorderof priority)ApprovedNSS40%routeonly Youarerequiredtoindicatethecombinationoptedby youinyour applicationform. | |||||||||
21 | DoI have to choose the Sainik | IncasethecombinationoptedbyyouincludesSainik | |||||||||
School,rightupfrontwhileapplying orcanIchooseatthetimeofcounselling? | Schools, you will be required to select the SS at the timeof applying. | ||||||||||
22 | IstheexamfeesamewhetherIapplyforSainikSchoolorapproved NSSor both? | Yes. | |||||||||
23 | Isthereanylinkbetweenthemediumoptedfortheexam(ForClassVI)andtheexamcitiesIcanchoose?Orinotherwords,ifIchooseMarathiasmymediumofexaminClassVI,doIhavetochoose anexam city inMaharashtraonly? | No.There is no connection between the medium thatyou opt for the exam for admission to Class VI and theexam city that you can opt. You can choose any of the13 languages listed in the Information Bulletin as themedium of your paper for the exam for admission toClassVI andoptforanyoftheexamcitieslistedin AnnexureIVof theInformationBulletin. | |||||||||
24 | Isthereanylinkbetweenthemediumoptedfortheexam(ForClass VI) and the Sainik School that Ican opt for? Or in other words, if IchoosesaySainikSchool,Amaravatinagar in Tamil Nadu, do IhavetochooseonlyTamilasthemedium of the paper or can I chooseanyofthespecified languages? | No.There is no connection between the medium thatyou opt for the exam for admission to Class VI and theSainik School that you can opt. You can choose any ofthe13languageslistedintheInformationBulletinasthemediumofyourpaperfortheexamforadmissiontoClassVIandoptforanyoftheSainikSchools.However, please check your domicile and the tentativevacancies/seats in your Class, Category, Gender in theSchoolthat you areapplyingfor, given inAnnexure VIof theInformationBulletin. | |||||||||
25 | Can I choose any listed exam city asmyexamcity?Isitnecessarytochoose only those exam cities, in theStatewheretheSSopted islocated? | Youarerequiredtoselectanyfourcities,fromthelistof exam cities, for appearing in the exam.Please referto Annexure IV of the Information Bulletin for the list ofexam cities. There is no linkage between the exam city opted by acandidateandtheSainik Schoolopted by him. Inotherwords,ifacandidateoptsfor,say,SainikSchool Kodagu, it is not necessary that he should selectan exam city in the State of Karnataka.He is free toselect any four cities of his choice given at Annexure IV,ashisexamcity,whetherlocatedinKarnatakaorotherwise. There isno restrictiononthe choiceofexamcities. | |||||||||
26 | CanIwithdrawmyapplicationform andget refundofthe fee paid? | No.Youcanneitherwithdrawyourapplicationnorget refundofthe applicationfee paid. | |||||||||
27 | CanIapplyformorethanoneSainikSchool? | No.YoucanchooseonlyoneSainikSchoolintheapplication form. Make sure that the school opted byyou, has vacant seats for the Class in which you areseekingadmission,inyourcategory/gender.Pleaserefer to Tentative list of Vacancies in Annexure VI oftheInformationBulletininthisregardbeforeyou apply. | |||||||||
28 | IamapplyingforSainikSchool.WhatdocumentsdoIneedto uploadwhile applying? | ApplicantsforSainikSchoolsarerequiredtouploadthefollowingdocumentswhileapplying: 1.Photograph | |||||||||
SignatureThumbimpressionDomicilecertificateDateofbirth certificateCategorycertificate,ifapplicableServiceCertificateincaseofwardsofDefence personnel/ex-servicemen,ifapplicable. | |||||||||||
29 | I made an error in filling the details intheform?Howdo Icorrect it? | Youcancorrectthedetailsthroughthecorrectionwindowathttps://aissee.nta.nic.induringtheperiodwhenthewindowwill be open.Pleaserefer totheInformationBulletinandbeintouchwiththeNTAwebsiteforthespecificdateswhenthecorrection windowwill beopen. | |||||||||
30 | WhatarethedetailsthatIcancorrectthroughtheCorrectionWindow? | You can change any of the details that had earlier beenfilledinintheexamformthroughtheCorrectionWindow at the periodwhenitisopen.Youcanalsouploadthecorrectdocument/sthroughthecorrectionwindow,incasethere was an error in the documents you had earlieruploaded.Nocorrectioncanbecarriedouteitherthroughemailorfaxorletter.PleasereadtheInformationBulletinandchecktheNTAwebsitefor updates. | |||||||||
31 | Ihavemadedouble/excesspaymentoffee.WhendoI getrefund? | Extra payment, if any, made by you will be refunded toyou, soon after the closure of the correction window,after fee reconciliation. In case you do not receive therefundasstatedabove,,name,transactionreferencenumber,dateofthetransaction,nameofthebank/paymentgateway throughwhichpaymentwas made. | |||||||||
32 | Ihaveforgottenmyapplicationnumber.HowdoIget it? | Ontheloginscreenoftheportal,,clickthe“forgotapplicationnumber”buttonandfollowtheproceduregiventhere. Youwill getyour applicationnumber. | |||||||||
33 | How do Igetmyadmitcard | TheadmitcardwillbeuploadedonNTAwebsitehttps://aissee.nta.nic.inaspertheannouncementonNTA website.Candidates need to check the admit cardcarefully for all particulars e.g Roll No. Name, Medium,Date of Birth, Gender, Examination City/Centre,Dateandtimeoftheexam,Category,etc.Nophysicaladmit cardswillbesentbypost. | |||||||||
34 | IfIdonotgetmyAdmitCard,whomshouldI contact? | Send an email to or call NTA Help Deskat011-40759000 or01169227700. | |||||||||
35 | Whom can I contact in case my admitcardhas someissue,or Iamnotabletodownloadmyadmit card? |,or011 69227700 | |||||||||
36 | WherecanIgetthedetailsof the | Please checkyouradmitcardfor the same. | |||||||||
examcentre? | |||||||||||
37 | CanIchangemyexamcityafterreceivingadmitcard? | No,youwillnotbeallowedtochangeyourexamcityonce admitcardhas beenissued. | |||||||||
38 | AmIrequiredtoaffixmyphotographontheAdmitCard? | AdmitCardcontainsaDeclarationcumUndertakingregardingCOVID19.Youarerequiredtoaffixyourphotograph and left hand thumb impression at the footoftheDeclaration/Undertakingandalsogetthesignature of your parent affixed at the space provided,before reaching the centre.You will be required to signontheadmitcardinthepresenceoftheInvigilatorat theexamcentre. | |||||||||
39 | Whatisthereportingtimeattheexam centre? | Pleasecheckyouradmitcardwhichwillbeissuedthrough,foryourreporting time. | |||||||||
40 | Whatisthelatesttimeforentryinto theexamcentre | 01.30pmonthe dayoftheexam. | |||||||||
41 | CanIleavethetesthall,ifIcomplete thetestbeforetime? | No. Youcannotleavethetesthalluntilthetest concludes andtheinvigilator allowsyouto go. | |||||||||
42 | Whataretheitemswhicharepermittedinsidethetesthall? | Youarepermittedtocarry,onlythefollowingitemstothetestcentre: Pen(Black/Blue)Personaltransparentwaterbottle(500ml)Personalhandsanitizer(50ml) *Admit Card along with Self Declaration (Undertaking)downloaded from the NTA website (a clear printout onA4sizepaper) dulyfilled inandphotoaffixed. ValidIDcards *Photographforaffixingontheattendanceregister | |||||||||
43 | WillIbegivenfreshmaskatthetest Centre? | Yes.Youarerequiredtowearthemaskgivenatthe testcentre duringthetest. | |||||||||
44 | ShouldIcarrysomeblanksheetsto theexamcentrefordoingroughwork? | No.Youcandotheroughwork inthe spaceprovided inthetestbooklet. | |||||||||
45 | ShouldI carrya calculator? | No | |||||||||
46 | If I commit an error in writing my rollnumber on my OMR answer sheet,whatshouldIdo?HowdoIcorrectit? | You should be careful while filling the details on yourOMR answer sheet.In case you commit an error inwriting the details, inform the invigilator in the roomimmediatley.However,theOMRanswersheetwillnot bereplaced. | |||||||||
47 | Will thequestion paperbe bi-lingualoronlyinEnglish forClassVIexam? | ClassVI: For those who opted for English or Hindi, the questionpaperwill bein English andin Hindi. Forthosewhooptedforspecifiedlanguage,thequestion paper will be in the specified language and inEnglish. Incaseofanydiscrepancyorerrorintheversionofthe paperintheoptedlanguage,Englishversionshallprevail. | |||||||||
48 | Willthequestionpaperbebi-lingual | ItwillbeinEnglish only. | |||||||||
oronly inEnglishforClassIX exam? | |||||||||||
49 | DoIhavetosurrendertheadmitcardtotheinvigilatorattheexam centre? | Yes.Youarerequiredtohandoveryouradmitcardtotheinvigilator afterthe conclusionof theexam. | |||||||||
50 | CanI take the question paper bookletwithme, after theexam? | Yes | |||||||||
51 | AmIrequiredtocarryaphotograph to affixontheattendance register? | Yes.Youwillberequiredtoaffixyourphotographon theattendance register. | |||||||||
52 | Willtherebenegativemarkingfor wronganswers? | No.Therewouldbenonegativemarkingforwrong answers. | |||||||||
53 | CanItaketheOMRanswersheetwithmeaftertheconclusionofthe exam? | No.YouarerequiredtohandoveryourOMRanswersheettotheinvigilatorafterthe conclusionoftheexam, beforeleaving. | |||||||||
54 | Will I get an opportunity to view myresponses,thequestions,andtheanswers? Will I get an opportunitytochallengetheanswersincaseIfeel that the answer to any questionis incorrect, inmyopinion? | After the conduct of test, the scanned OMR answersheets of candidates will be made available on theNTAwebsite.ExactdateofdisplayofscannedimagesofOMRAnswerSheets,wouldbecommunicatedaftertheexaminationonNTAwebsite.CandidateswillbeabletoviewtheirrespectiveOMR answer sheet free of cost.In case they wanttomakeanyrepresentationagainsttheOMRgrading,theycandosobyapplyingforitandpayinga non-refundable feeofRs100/-.After exam, experts shall verify the answer keys forthequestionpaperadministered.NTAwilldisplaytheQuestionsandProvisionalAnswerKeysontheNTAwebsite,onadatecommunicated to candidates through NTA websiteandpublic notice/pressrelease in advance.Candidates, who are not satisfied with the answerkey,maychallengebyfillingonlineapplicationform and paying a non-refundable sum of Rs.200/-perquestion,throughthegivenwindow.Applicationsreceived by hand orbyfax or emailwillnotbe considered.Experts test the challenges received, and if neededkeyis revised.The result will be compiled on the basis of finalanswerkeys.Nogrievancewith regard toanswer key(s) afterdeclarationofresultwillbeentertained.TheNTA’s decision on the challenges shall be final andno furthercommunicationwillbeentertained.Candidates are advised to remain in touch with theNTA website orhttp://aissee.nta.nic.infortheexactdatesand otherupdates. | |||||||||
55 | What is the evaluation Methodology? | Responseswillbeprocessedbasedontheanswerkeys verifiedandfinalised. | |||||||||
Therewillbe no negativemarkingforwronganswer. NTAshalladdressdiscrepanciesifanyinthefollowingmanner If more than one option are found to be correct, postchallenge or during key verification – Marks will beawarded to only those students who have markedany ofthecorrectoptions. If all options are found to be correct – Full marks tobe awarded to all students, who have attempted thequestion. If none of the options is correct/Question is found tobewrong–Allstudentswhoappearedintheexam wouldbeawardedfull marks | |||||||||||
56 | Whatarethepassing marksintheexam for those seeking admission toSainikSchools ? | AcandidateiseligibleforadmissiontotheSainikSchools if he/ she secures a minimum of 25% marks ineachsubjectoftheexamand40%marksinaggregateof all the subjects of AISSEE 2023. However, admissionwill be based on relative merit (in AISSEE) of candidatein his/ her category in the school opted by him/ her,medical fitness and verification of requisite documents.However,nominimummarksareprescribedforcandidates belonging to Scheduled Caste or ScheduledTribe category. They will be admitted on the basis ofinter-se merit at the Entrance Examination within theirrespectivecategories,subjecttomedicalfitnessand verificationof requisitedocuments. | |||||||||
57 | HowistheMeritlistpreparedforadmissiontoSS? | MeritListispreparedSchoolwise,categorywise,forhomestateandOtherstates(separatelyforboysand girls),basedonthemarks secured inAISSEE2023. | |||||||||
58 | Whenwillresultsbe declared? | DateofdeclarationofresultswillbeannouncedontheNTAwebsite.BeintouchwiththeNTAwebsitefor updates. | |||||||||
59 | CanI apply for re-checking my answers,afterresults? | No. | |||||||||
60 | Whatistheadmissionprocedurepost results? | Allthosequalifytheexam,arerequiredtoregisteronlinefore-counelling,whethertheyareseekingadmission to SSs or NSSs( under 40% or 60% route)Candidatesareadvisedtobeintouchwiththewebsiteat It will be followed by medical examination andverificationof documents. | |||||||||
61 | What about the validity of CategorycertificateinrespectofOBC(NCL)candidates? | A candidate should be in possession of a valid categorycertificate as per existing Central & State Govt. norms(asapplicable)atthetimeofonlinefillingofapplication formofAISSEE -23 andalsoat thetimeof admission. |