Sl NoTime/PeriodName of ActivityRemarks
1      07:30HrsGeneral assembly x2 per WkPrayer, talk on current issues, announcements, National Anthem
Special assembly x2 per WkOath taking, talk by staff/ students and conduct common value based activities specified by SSS
School Gathering x01 per wkActivity as decided by school
208:00 13:30HrsAcademic Training /ClassesAcademic     syllabus     related    to CBSE / State Board
313:30 14:00-HrsSeated       Lunch      at Dining HallSchoolTraining about all aspects of Dining Etiquettes /      Organized Meal.
414:00-14:30 HrsRestLunch to be followed by quiet time/ own time for students.
514:30-15:30 HrsValue Based Class x2 per wkValue based class as specified for each class by SSS.
Value Based Activity x2 per wkCommon value based competitions as specified by SSS.
Skill Based Training x 01 per wkFire Fighting / First Aid/    Self Defence Theory
Skill Based Activity wkx01perFire    Fighting/    First    Aid/    Self Defence Practical/ Demo
615:45- 17:15HrsSports&Gamesx03 per wkIndoor & Out door games based on available facilities
Drillx01perwkAt Parade Ground
NCC / Field craft Training x 02 per wkTo train students on NCC and various field craft signs/ symbols/ tactics etc
717:15-17:30 HrsReturn Sports Gear, Change and Leave for Home